chante ferguson

chante ferguson

United States

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I am a creative spiritual being that love to express my self in the arts. I love networking and meeting new people. I love trying things that work and making money. I am grateful and Thankful for everything in life and would love to share everything that works for me. My daily routine consist of meditating, working out and working on my personal development. To really make good money I truly believe that health is wealth. Mental health is extremely important. You need a sane mind to do anything and to be able to do it well. Im excited about partnering with different brands!  Lets have fun , share and make money! You only have one life to live, so live it well and Rock Out!

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I will Promote Your Brand
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I will Promote Your Brand



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Average Engagement Rate by Reach 0.06%
Comment Average 1
Like Average 8
Play Average 265
Share Average 0

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