Brian Bosserman

Brian Bosserman

United States

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I am the Director of Operations for a large ecommerce company. I also have an ecommerce store called 4 The Fellas. I do consulting for ecommerce and marketing, and have a review show on YouTube that is in review to be monetized. In my spare time I promote 2 music acts and will be signing a third next week. I also have a google play and Apple app so I am considered a developer. I can help in many different ways. I also really enjoy helping others in their journey. I like to network and I hope I am a person that adds value to whatever I do

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Some of their offers

I will post your ad on my page
Social Review on Instagram

I will post your ad on my page

I will share your post with my followers
Social Share on Instagram

I will share your post with my followers



Follower Engagement / Demographics


Average Engagement Rate by Reach 0.15%
Comment Average 1
Like Average 17
View Average 0
Play Average 496

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I will do social engagement
Social Engagement on LinkedIn

I will do social engagement

I will A instagram review for your produts
Social Review on Instagram

I will A instagram review for your produts

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