Brenna Abreu

Brenna Abreu


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Hello, my name is Brenna.
I have a youtube channel with over 500m subscribers. " SAD MUSIC VIDEO " Besides songs, there are videos of me, about me.
Hope we can help each other :)

I really enjoy playing games, especially computer games.
I am also very vain, and I love clothes! shopping, inventing styles

I'm Brazilian, but I've traveled to the US.
I have a lot of influence on the internet.

I love traveling, animals, photos, movies, series and doramas

I hope to make many partnerships with you! Won't regret it :)
Thanks. bye-bye

To see Brenna's full profile please login or register.



Follower Engagement / Demographics


Average Engagement Rate by Reach 2.11%
Comment Average 2
Like Average 71
View Average 231
Play Average 668

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