Brenda Melaniphy

Brenda Melaniphy

United Kingdom

2K Reach



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Part-time travel couple, Brenda & Stu, exploring the world one annual leave day at a time. 

Let me introduce myself – my name is Brenda, and I work a regular 9 to 5 job, Monday to Friday. Outside of this, I have two passions in my life and those are travel and photography (wildlife & macro mainly). My partner, Stuart also works a regular day job and he loves to travel as much as I do, if not more! His passions outside of the daily grind are being my wildlife spotter on weekends. Just kidding, although he has eagle hawk eyes! He loves taking on a DIY project – he’s tackled so many home improvements around the house. His gaming PC is his absolute baby and no one is allowed within 10 feet of her. Literally. We have a teen son, Jared and he often joins us on our adventures but we all need some adult only time, so occasionally he gets to spend some quality time with the grandparents, Win, win for everyone. In typical teen fashion, he is happiest when wearing headphones, gaming and talking to his girlfriend (yes, all three at once).

We both work regular 9 to 5 jobs during the week and our son, Jared goes to school so we wanted to share our adventures and show you that it is still possible to see the world whilst being (nearly) middle aged, having a family and in the famous words of Dolly Parton “working 9 to 5“! 

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