Brandon Thomerson

Brandon Thomerson

United States

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I would love to give you a simplified explanation of who I am & what I'm doing to make this short and sweet but unfortunately life is way more complicated than that & now here we are.
I originally started my YouTube channel as an outlet to talk about early access games, betas, alphas, etc(That WEREN'T under NDAs). I am an Indie dev myself and over the years I've kind of learned what the "Average gamer" (hence channel name) will gravitate towards and stick with. So It started as a way for me to talk to not only the audience but also an easier way to get the studio themselves attention to throw ideas at. But the channel took off and now im looking to get more professional with the videos I produce & also love the idea of being able to do some tech reviews in the future. A lot of my more popular videos are VR related, 2 of which are about early VR tech. At the end of the day though every dime the channel makes goes either back into the channel or into my savings to finish my longterm project that Ive been working on by myself for over 6 years.

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