Aya Safiya

Aya Safiya

United States

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My name is Aya and I’m an indie-pop artist and singer-songwriter. In 2018 I released my first EP, "Aya Safiya" consisting 5 tracks in English, and this year I released my 2nd EP, "My Other Half" consisting 5 tracks in Japanese, my mother tongue. My music tends to reflect my personal experiences and emotional depth, and often revolves around relationships. I deeply value art and beauty in every corner of life and I attempt to express that in my music as well. My releases have been written about in a few blogs including Asian Pop Weekly, Atwood Magazine, and East Bay Express. In addition to my indie-pop project, I perform and record in various genres from Electro-acoustic World Dance Music to Balkan to traditional Greek island music, and accompany my voice with violin, laouto (Greek lute,) and santouri (Greek hammered dulcimer.) I teach regional Greek violin technique as well as Balkan/Greek group singing. And aside from music, I provide Tarot consultations, and I have a big obsession with anything relating to divination, metaphysics, personality, and relationships. I'm currently nerding out about the correlation between Western astrology and the enneagram. I'm also a dancer, visual artist, and interpreter/translator between English and Japanese. One of the main reasons I love what I do is because it allows me opportunities to collaborate with others. I truly love supporting and representing other artists and organizations I believe in, and working together towards a common goal. I'm available to advertise, review, and serve in other ways... open to new and innovative ideas! P.s. I'm proudly from the Bay Area, Berkeley and Oakland to be exact, but have strong ties to New York, Greece, and Japan.

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