Ashley Washington

Ashley Washington

United States

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Hello, my name is Ashley, otherwise known as Crazydrawer701 (sometimes Disguisedwriter). I am a cosplayer, gamer (mostly Playstation), Twitch streamer, writer, medical student, and so much more. I'm interested in working with brands that are looking to reach out to a diverse audience whether that's with beauty/cosmetics, anime, gaming, cosplaying, etc. I have a lot of interests, so I can usually always find a way to incorporate a product into my life.

My main following is on Facebook and Twitch. However, I can also promote on other platforms such as Instagram, Discord, Twitter, etc. 

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Follower Engagement / Demographics


Average Engagement Rate by Reach 0.76%
Comment Average 0
Like Average 8
Play Average 214
Share Average 0

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