Argie Bongcahig

Argie Bongcahig


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Hi everyone, this is Argie, but you can also call me "Jam Parker" my social media name. I have 1,300+ subscribers and counting on my YouTube channel (Jam Parker), I also have 4,900+ friends/followers on my Facebook account (Jam Parker) and I have 450+ followers and counting on my Instagram account (@spideysme).

I am an "introvert vlogger" who loves to think and do outside the box and working in a corporate world. I love to travel the world to see the beautiful places and somehow learn and experience the different cultures of every place. I am an open minded person who understands and who respects individual differences.

I love giving advices to all my friends on different topics and concerns under the sun.

My guilty pleasures include: traveling, eating and drinking, shoes, pets, movies, product reviews, swimming, go out with friends, road trip and a lot more.

I am a dog parent, nature lover and a beach lover as well.

I have created my social media accounts to spread good vibes and positivity and most importantly to explore and learn how my "introvert" self can cope to this platforms and I believe that being an introvert is not a hindrance to try and explore new and different things. I believe I can do so much more.

You can contact me here on this platform and let us collaborate because together we can make a difference and let us make this world and this social media a better place. Thank you.

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Follower Engagement / Demographics


Average Engagement Rate by Reach 2.04%
Comment Average 2
Like Average 26
View Average 222

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