Ardiansyah Zhen

Ardiansyah Zhen


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I am intersted in something new, exploring new thing and find always new reason to be happy.

English literature background encourage me to have deep analysis ability. I can dig up something behind the observable
 things and the unobservable as well.

Out of social phenomenon, now finance and investing becomes new things I'm interested in.

Meeting new people, exploring new thing always be my deals. I'm dreaming for a totally freedom peron which mean I can do the things I'm dreaming. Financial freedom is my step for my totally meaningful life. 

I wish to ensrich my sorroundings, the people around the environment the the value things. I have the value and I would be happy if I can share it.

Human life and the interactions shows us much more things than what we can see in bare eyes. I notice this as the way how this world interact with us. It attracts us to get closser, to know deeper to understand the other things, the meaning inside. I'm  always to be exited with such kind of this things. It's a joyfull experience when we can see in the diference  perspective. We can see wider,  and get the wisdom.

Language, culture and literature give us more this knowledge. It sharpen our instinct to read the nature. I call that reading the book must be able to teach us how to read the nature. Once we can do it, surely we can enjoy more the nature, enjoy more the life of ours.

Happiness is not the destination we should go. It's actually the way how we go to wherever our destination. That's the life I mean and I do believe many people would have different perception and that's the thing what make this world so beautiful.

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