Anthony Trahair

Anthony Trahair


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Anthony Trahair is a playful soul and is passionate about life.
From a degree in Chemistry in 1996 he Juggled his way around Europe. Arriving in Italy from the UK he started a lifelong Yoga practice, studied acrobatics, dance, clown which took him to a three year course in Physical Theatre in Switzerland at the Dimitri school.
Anthony has written a beautiful book on the Art of Juggling and is called Pearls of Juggling. Pearls has been appreciated in the circus community around the world.

Anthony offers weekly profound and playful Chair Yoga classes on Youtube.
In the last years Anthony has been researching and practising the power of Playfulness.

Currently Anthony is dedicating himself to Life Coaching - Anthony is a life coach with a playful approach!
Big fan of permaculture, nature and healthy organic food.
He lives in Italy with his wife three cats and two chickens.

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