Anthonette Sanchez

Anthonette Sanchez


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[link-omitted]?1560452355My nmae is Anthonette Sanchez , I am a Belizean who is now living in Grenada I enjoy makeup, singing, Listening to music , dressing up and entertaining others . I also love to travel , I have lived in countries / Islands such as Costa rica, Guatemala , panama and Jamaica. Traveling is something I love . I am a owner of a small youtube channel. I am very God fearing and honest individual.

my you tuber channel focuses on vlogs, makeup, story times and traveling . I haven't   gotten a chanace to review anyone's products but I am sure my Instagram and YouTube followers would be interested in the products I will review. I am looking forward to working with you.


Anthonette Sanchez

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Average Engagement Rate by Reach 2.17%
Comment Average 12
Like Average 19
View Average 255

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