Annie Modiba

Annie Modiba

South Africa

speedometerThat's some serious marketing potential!

I am a social media influencer and a digital promoter with a fairly good following.  

I am based in South Africa in Limpopo province and I speak and understand almost all the official languages of my country. 

I enjoy engaging with different people from all walks of life. I am a conversationist with an open mind. 

I have been using social media to my advantage for quiet sometime and I have mastered the art of engaging with different people from different worlds and have grown rapidly over time. 

Allow me to help you grow your brand the best way I know how

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Follower Engagement / Demographics


Average Engagement Rate by Reach 0.21%
Comment Average 5
Like Average 14
View Average 3K
Play Average 6K

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I will make collaboration with brands.

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Social Engagement on TikTok

I will repost, like, forward, save, comment, bookmark your video and follow you.

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