Annette Garcia

Annette Garcia

United States

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I am 54 years old and I live in one of the most beautiful little corners of the world. It is called White, Georgia. I moved here from Miami, where I lived most of my life, and I fall in love with Georgia every day a little more. When it comes to Georgia, I believe that there was a little extra special time spent making this alluring little world. For nature lovers and great weather seekers, Georgia is a great fit! Through both, good and bad choices, I can truly say that so far, I have lived an extraordinary life. I have been crowned with every gift a woman could ever want. I have 2 amazing children and 4 adorable grandchildren. They unfortunately do not live in Georgia which is the only downfall about living here. I miss them tremendously and visit them, at least every three months. In the meantime, I am very grateful for social media and Facetime for this is how I keep my communication with them. They are my everything! They are my reason and they are truly my biggest inspiration. My kids have taught me more than I could have ever taught them. Their unconditional love is what has taken me to heights I never thought I would see. I am now in love with the most wonderful man I have ever met, after my dad. He is truly my knight in shining armor and my best friend. We have a great relationship and communication is the key. One of the most beautiful gifts I have been given by this great union is that I have gained 3 more children. I am now the proud momma of 5!! These are my bonus children and our relationship is very strong. I am the youngest of 4 children. I have an outstanding sister and two awesome brothers. I have really great friends that teach me great things. Because I am so blessed, I make an effort every day to be the best possible version of myself that I can be in all aspects of my life. I fall short many times, but I continue on my journey and try to do better the next day. I apologize quickly and forgive easily. I stay easy so life can flow nicer. I value the little as well as the big with the same fervor. I say what I feel and do what drives me. I hang around those who enrich my life and try to help those who do not, setting boundaries, of course. I try not to commit to anything I do not want to do and do everything that I want. This way I do it out of love and not obligation. I do not believe in sacrifices for if you love, you will do things selflessly and with no hesitation. It should come natural or not at all. I believe in the value of family and try to protect it fierce-fully. I believe in the strength of loyalty and keep its sacredness in all I do. I believe in Karma and the circle of life. I believe that nothing goes unnoticed and everything deserves attention except negativity. I believe in intuition whole-heartily and try to listen as best I can. I believe everyone has a message and a purpose and we should all be opened to learn and listen at all stages of our life. I believe children are our best teachers and we should all nurture their beauty and innocence. I believe birds sing so we could listen and seasons change so that we could too. I believe in the unlimited potential of the mind and the relentless thirst of the soul. I believe love has fire and desire has wings. I believe freedom belongs to all of us and so does success. I believe it’s not about moving mountains but letting mountains move us. I believe hard work will never kill you unless it’s dreamless. I believe education is earned and wisdom is lived. I believe freedom is our greatest gift yet it is often overlooked. I believe it’s not about following your heart as much as it is knowing it lives within you. Above all I believe in the power of love, for there is no other power greater than that. I believe all life should be celebrated. Both good and bad experiences should be cherished equally for they both have important lessons. All of my past experiences, good, great, bad or indifferent, have made me into who and what I am, and for that, I am truly grateful. Some of my favorites are nature, decorating, reading, writing, spirituality, salty water, sand between my toes, tanning, good conversation, fighter jets, pearls, puppies, dolphins, sunsets, daisies, mountains, silver and the number 7. Pay it Forward is a truly inspiring concept to me and I try to live by it. It has in turn changed my life for the better and will continue to do so for many years to come. I also love being inspired and inspiring and helping others. This is the purpose of this entire page. I am a creative. Creatives always need to be inspired as well, for without you, I would not be doing this. Please send in stories of inspiration along with at least one picture so that you can collaborate with me and make the world a little better one day at a time. Someone always needs to hear what you have to say. I would love to feature you in the Inspiration blogs. If we can inspire at least one person a day, we have done a good job. Therefore, I encourage you to send your story today. I consider myself a little hippie with gypsy tendencies always carrying with me a curious imagination and an unusual admiration for all life. I believe that passion is everything! If you have passion for it and your heart is in it, DO IT! The Instagram I would use is Little Secrets of Nature @littlesecretsofnature THIS IS MY WEBSITE'S ABOUT ME. [link-omitted] GOING LIVE IN A COUPLE DAYS

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