Ana Brito

Ana Brito

United States

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Hello I'm Ana, a mother who works looking for more quality time with my 3 kiddos‍‍‍. I love stay with my family, play with them, have quality of time, I'm gamer too. I was flight attendant for almost 10years, I speak 3 languages (english, spanish and portuguese) 
I try to do my best always, where is a lot competition I prefer be myself, I'm not perfect but I'm unique.

I will try to be most transparent in my reviews about your product and be sure I will use them  

Thank you so much for the opportunity, I hope we can partner together.

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Follower Engagement / Demographics


Average Engagement Rate by Reach 8.81%
Comment Average 4
Like Average 32
View Average 532
Play Average 1K

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