Amy Campbell

Amy Campbell

United States

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Businesswoman Amy is a lifestyle photographer and content creator. But, at her core, she’s a military spouse of ten years, a mama to two sweet girls, and creator of Amy Rae + Co. After her wedding in 2006, Amy started her photography business with a camera from Costco in one hand and a dream in the other. As military spouse life and motherhood followed, her passions continued to expand well beyond lifestyle and wedding photography. So fast forward to today, Amy Rae + Co is dedicated not only to producing authentic imagery, but also taking you behind the scenes to share in her passions, struggles, and lessons learned as a woman, mother, and entrepreneur. Her work is truly based on connecting her clients and readers to heartfelt snapshots and moments, behind the lens and within her virtual space. Her ultimate hope is that you can find inspiration and encouragement to tell your story, live intentionally with your family, be your truest & greatest self, and make an impact in your community—all with a healthy dose of grace.

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