Amira Shaiful

Amira Shaiful


26K Reach

speedometerThat's some serious marketing potential!

I'm a Malaysian Beauty & Lifestyle Blogger since 2009. I mostly write about reviews and tips but recently I have been more focused on writing on skin care topics. I also write on parenting topics after giving birth to my first child in 2017 but that is not my main niche. Even though I'm based in Malaysia, my blog audience is worldwide as I write skincare reviews and skincare topics in English. 

I've worked with numerous brands, (local and international) throughout the years and blessed to be trusted as a few ambassadors for a couple of local brands.

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Follower Engagement / Demographics


Average Engagement Rate by Reach 1.39%
Comment Average 8
Like Average 153
View Average 3K
Play Average 19K

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