amber gray

amber gray

United States

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Hello ladies and gents 

Amber here  i am a photographer and vlogger in the panama city fl area i love reviewing items and i love metting new people and friends i am a dog mom and i ahve a pretty cool bird there names are ranger and pickle rick i am married and we are happily in love i love exploring the world and letting you see the life through my lens my personality speaks loudly like fire works on the 4th of july i love letting people know what i think about what ever the subject may be i am super honest and trustworthy id give you the shirt off my back if youd let me im new to the intellifluence world a friend actually told me about it ive been doing my own little reviews of stuff ive actually bought and thought hey maybe theres more out there!

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I will post reviews on my insta and facebook.

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I will share videos of your product

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