Amanda Duggan

Amanda Duggan


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Hello my name is Amanda and I have youtube channel called hellomanda! On my channel I mostly do K-Pop reaction videos. I have been listening to K-Pop since 2014 and have enjoyed watching reaction videos and never thought about doing it myself until 2019. I love my channel and the many people I get to reach through the channel. I'm thankful to have this creative outlet and meet so many lovely people while I do it. 

I also throughly enjoy fashion, shoes, makeup and food! Thanks to my channel I get to be as creative as I want and show off who I really am as a person. It's great being able to watch my channel constantly grow and change, as well as being something I can do in-between uni and my casual job. 

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Follower Engagement / Demographics


Average Engagement Rate by Reach 60.63%
Comment Average 85
Like Average 915
View Average 6K

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