alf anas

alf anas


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game devoloping was a passion sens i was a kid . i can say its the tween dream of making animations , one of my dreams was to make a small studio of animations comic and maybe vido games, and i have spent my last 10 years learning everything i can about both. i cant lie and say i did learnd anything , and that i am profesional, i leav that to you to judge from my portfolio . but i can say that i am bettar than before , so in a scale from 1 to 10 in every skill i would rate my self with 4 in each genral art 2d and 3d animation 3d modeling and stylised characters a little bit of digital music designing and some bits of game devoloping " still learning alot about it " i dont think that if anyone read this bio wiuld be plessed to contract or hire me . but hay .. its the truth , that i cant lie about . i think that starting with the truth is the best point of beginings i am still learning alots of stuffs, and upgrading my self whenever i can , as i belive that knowldge is an infent world that dosent end . working as a freelancer . looking forword for apratonatys and partnership, i am a bit lazy but if i got encorged i works as hard as i can

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