Adria Comi

Adria Comi

United States

12K Reach

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A Mommy and me account who love fashion and trying new things. Athena is 3.5Years old and love bows, snacks, glitter, and playing outside. Adria is a stay at home mom who loves coffee, wine, fashion, and crafts. Every once in awhile dad will join in on post but he is in the military and can’t always participate if he’s working. We love working with small shops and businesses to help them grow. Athena models for a 3 small shops that sell hand made accessories. We have experience with trades, giveaways, and sponsored posted. Most of our collabs are centered around Athena because she love the camera so much. 

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Follower Engagement / Demographics


Average Engagement Rate by Reach 11.30%
Comment Average 3
Like Average 126
Play Average 2K
Share Average 1

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