Social Review on TikTok

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Offer Details

I will do any reviews

1 Social Review on TikTok

Account #1 (4K Reach)

Add-on Services

+ $25
I'll share the TikTok post to my non-TikTok accounts.
+ $50
I'll share the TikTok post with all of my email subscribers.
reoccurring posts 3 times a month
+ $4.99
I'll post 3 different times a month in tiktok
Thumbnail 1

About this offer

want fandom positive reviews that make you stand out with out the sorry if any negative commenting well I'm. the one message for more info

About the influencer

serina pena

serina pena

4K Reach
26 years old woman of multiple trades i can do 100 percent start to finish . trying to start up my own business called Pena of trade 

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