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About this offer

I am very sure to work on what is needed of me in a very serious and efficient way, I think every thing starts with à trying

About the influencer

Jacob Damian

Jacob Damian

44K Reach

My name is Jacob Damian., am 46 year old; I have live in Senegal for 12 year, from an early age I had to drop out of college to support my family financially. My big brother and I turned to the trade and import export of electronic device foodstuff and medical cotton wool in the beginning.  As a result of our business, we have traveled a lot which has allowed me to discover a lot of countries and cultures. Around 2004 I decided to settle in Senegal where I continued my business on a larger scale

Today I live in France in Strasbourg, married and a father of 3 children I work temporary in a private sector in housing. And at the same time I ship merchandise more specifically second hands  cars and spare parts to my brother who stayed behind in Senegal.

I am Professionally  with  decade of experience working with people management in marketing. Outside of my work, I enjoy hanging with friends and family.”

Developing strong relationships is the foundation of everything I do, both professionally and personally. If there any more question you want to know about me please free to ask me 


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