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Offer Details

I will write a review for our working parent readers

1 Post on Blog

Account #1 (12K Reach)

Add-on Services

+ $25
I'll share the blog post on my social accounts.
+ $150
I'll share the blog post with all my email subscribers.
Extra long review
+ $150
The blog post will exceed 1000 words.
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About this offer

We will write an informative review with the information that matters to our readers. We only work with products and services are hearts are behind and our readers know this. We have worked with Smiggle, Moda In Pelle, Malin and Gotez, Dr Barbra Sturm, Harvey Nichols, Space NK, Appy drinks, Diggerland, Matel Play.

About the influencer

Abbie Coleman

Abbie Coleman

34K Reach

DA 30. We launched MMB Magazine online in West Yorkshire in December 2015 and published our first printed MMB Magazine in April 2016 with 15k copies distributed in Leeds through employers to employees and through venues and retail outlets to working parents in the community. In 2018 we will have over 70k magazines going out across our regions. We went on to launch YorkshireFlex and NorthwestFlex in 2017, bringing together over 150 employers to talk about flexible working and maternity & paternity returner programmes and exchange ideas and best practices. Working with some great brands from Hourglass, SpaceNk, Smiggle, Harvey Nichols, Color Wow, Neom, Moda in Pelle.


MMB Maternity Returners

In march 2018 we launched the MMB Returners Programme designed to support businesses retain and engage with all talent taking time away from their business for maternity & paternity leave. The ageing demographic is going to be top heavy in the next few years along with the need to support maternity & paternity returners with flexible working roles and people looking for the perfect work-life balance. Flexible Working is not just a hot topic but something that is needed for our business and working life future for all working parents and self-employed parents.

We will also be launching our MMB Magazine mini-booklets for employers to give out to employees to support them with information when finding out they are pregnant, on maternity/paternity leave, on flexible working roles or coming back into the workplace after a long absence. We also launched our flexible working directory listing companies who offer and consider flexible working roles for working parents along with a live job board of current flexible working roles in your area. Including all roles that are flexible working, annualised hours, part time, job share and term time roles. Allowing our working parents to find the career roles and employers who offer flexible working.


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