Social Review on Instagram

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Offer Details

I will review your products and share

1 Social Review on Instagram

Account #1 (5K Reach)

Add-on Services

+ $25
I'll share the Instagram post to my non-Instagram accounts.
+ $50
I'll share the Instagram post with all my email subscribers.
Custom graphics
+ $25
I'll include custom graphics on the Instagram post.
Thumbnail 1

About this offer

i will review your work and encourage more people to look for your products, i have more followers and courage to push a brand, i engage in people review which guarantees me getting same help.

About the influencer

Clint Mahuntsi

Clint Mahuntsi

6K Reach

An Artist that makes real art.
Courage doesn't mean you don't get afraid, it simply means you don't let fear stop you at any [link-omitted] courage you can always reach for the sky that they say is the limit, my courage keeps me going and believing i can archive anything i put work on.


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