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I will permoting and reviewing

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About this offer

i will do videos, lives and tons of pictures plus i will share on all networks such as IG, Twitter My YouTube channel and tiktok i will even do shorts

About the influencer

Amanda powell

Amanda powell

23 Reach
I am a new reviwer and permoter of products. All of the deals i have gotten i have reached out for. My YouTube just went live a week ago with so much more to come including 2 series 1 in which i chop all my hair off and regrow it (also coloring it live ) we are going to see how long it takes. i have lost over 150lbs very quick and most of my hair sadly with it. i am also doing a skin care series as my skin took a big hit with the weight-loss and the products i was using before are no longer giving the desired results, plus i am getting older and just for kicks i am going to document the process or remodeling my filming area including my old ugly vanity lol using epoxy resin for the 1st time with holographic and iradecent glitter. I also plan to do my huge dresser and my little funky perfume table. This includes painting them and changing the hardware. But in-between the series videos i am always looking for new products to test review and permote! This may be a new venture for me but i always give 110% I am highly motivated and extremely determined! I can promise you this if you put your money on me you wont lose

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