Social Review on TikTok

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Offer Details

I will give an honest review and give the best

1 Social Review on TikTok

Account #1 (13K Reach)
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About this offer

i have 2100 follower and my average audience 1000
I will review any product on my tiktok. and i try to give my best
besides that I will also write products on the blog. so like 1 package. tiktok plus blog. for beauty or care products

About the influencer

Ratna Sari Purwaningsih

Ratna Sari Purwaningsih

57K Reach

Hallo , Nice to meet you.
allow me to introduce myself, my name is  Ratna Sari Purwaningsih , you can call me Nha or Ratna.
I am 26 years old, I am a mother who has a 2 year old daughter
I'm a housewife, who works side-by-side to help my husband by writing blogs, reviewing products or making short videos about products.
I come from the city of Palembang, South Sumatra.  Indonesian country.
My hobbies are playing volleyball, playing games and also watching movies
Ah, I usually review products through:
IG : [link-omitted]nhaalhakim or tiktok : @ratna150895 and Blog ;[link-omitted].


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