Social Engagement on Facebook

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Offer Details

I will work hard

1 Social Engagement on Facebook

Account #1 (0 Reach)

Add-on Services

+ $50
I'll share the Facebook post with all my email subscribers.
In-depth engagement
+ $15
An in-depth Facebook comment will exceed 100 words.
Repeat Engagement
+ $20
I'll reply to my Facebook comment thread mentions for 2 days.
Thumbnail 1

About this offer

I can work well and thoroughly
thank you for the work you give
nice to work with you guys, hopefully next time we can work together again

About the influencer

Asih Saeni

Asih Saeni

16K Reach

mom of two, freelance writer, content creators. 

saya adalah seorang perempuan dengan dua anak yang lucu dan menggemaskan, saya suka memasak, tertarik dengan food photography, suka travelling, dan berbelanja. saya coffe addict, suka semua tentang keju dan makanan pedas. 
saya suka menulis, dan suka bercerita tentang kehidupan saya. 


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