Social Review on Instagram

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Offer Details

I will do a video

1 Social Review on Instagram

Account #1 (113 Reach)

Add-on Services

+ $25
I'll share the Instagram post to my non-Instagram accounts.
Thumbnail 1

About this offer

a video showing how your product works either on myself or family or if it's a pet offer I will make a detailed video of one of my pets using it. I will give details of if the product is suitable for everyone by using it on friends and family members or if it's suitable for certain people. if the offer is for kids I will video one or all my kids using said product and in it my kid will be showing how the product will be used and if it's enjoyable to use or how easy or difficult it would be to use and age appropriate said product is.

About the influencer

Michele Yakoob

Michele Yakoob

113 Reach

I'm a mum to 3 kids ,2 senior Pitts, 1 Pitt lab mix and a tenrec. love chocolates and learning about new food and dessert recipes and reading. love doing DIY around the house and love jumping on my husband just to annoy him. I strive to live life to the fullest.


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