Social Engagement on Facebook

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Offer Details

I will I can share your Facobook account activity

1 Social Engagement on Facebook

Account #1 (0 Reach)

Add-on Services

In-depth engagement
+ $15
An in-depth Facebook comment will exceed 100 words.
Repeat Engagement
+ $20
I'll reply to my Facebook comment thread mentions for 2 days.
Thumbnail 1

About this offer

I will share your social media account posts and I can also I like and comment on your posts, I will do it well and correctly according to what you need

About the influencer

Fitria Ningsi

Fitria Ningsi

2K Reach

Saya seorang penulis yang aktif di media sosial seperti Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, dan juga blog. Saya sudah mulai menulis sejak tahun 2019 hingga sekarang saya selalu aktif membagikan tulisan saya kepada orang-orang melalui media sosial saya



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