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Offer Details

I will do a 24 hour story post promoting your item with a link and @

1 Social Share on Instagram

Account #1 (76K Reach)

Add-on Services

+ $10
I'll add your custom link to my Instagram bio for at least 1 week.
Thumbnail 1

About this offer

I will give a 24 story post on what you're promoting woth your link or @ in my story. my stories typically reach over 20,000 views within 24 hours

About the influencer

Alfie Regan

Alfie Regan

76K Reach

I'm looking forward to working with many companies and influencers across my network of over 60,000 followers.

I receive at least 10 million views across my accounts per week so much of the content that I put out will be shared to users across the world.

My prices for shoutouts, whether it be a story or a feed post, are very cheap and reasonably priced. You will be getting your money's worth out of it.

If you wish to contact me, please feel free to message me on @[link-omitted] on Instagram or email me at [link-omitted]


Are you a brand? Try Intellifluence, risk free!

Use Intellifluence to promote your products and brand.Register for FREE and get started today!

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