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I will do experiement of baking

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About this offer

I have finished baking of "pandan cake" without any additional ingredients like SP, baking powder and etc with perfect result. Here, s the receipe

stir 4 egg and 100 gr sugar with high speed mixer until 10 minutes. after that, prepare (coconut milk 65ml + 100ml oil+ pandan paste), add it into egg batter. Add 12 spoon of wheat flor and 1 spoon of cornstrach flour. stir with lower speed. boiled it.

About the influencer

oktarina musdalipah

oktarina musdalipah

0 Reach

Hi, lets get much dollars in your platform. I'm an Indonesian woman, who likes writting anything, and i'd love to be Erin brockovich in digital era of course, i'd like to know everything, connect every puzzle in every case to be an answer. I like tradisional food from Indonesia especially in java taste. sweet but still umami. I can cook. with cook, I can analyze what happen with taste if i add unpopuler seasoning in my food.  Oh ya, you know one Piece? hmm im one of echiro oda's fan. i follow from the first one Piece release in my country.  amazing story from oda, i know the best mangaka in the world, of course only  echiro oda. I love zoro characters because he has cool vibes in every situation.  believe his dream and be his power to defeat his enemy. he never give up in any situation, brave to get risk.  even he can not know the right way but its okay, everybody has plus and minus in his self. 


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