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Offer Details

I will Help you get MORE Engaging Content..and get YOU More Customers

1 Social Share on Facebook

Account #1 (6K Reach)

Add-on Services

+ $12
I'll reshare on Facebook up to 3 different times.
FREE Article & Podcast to Feature YOU
+ $1
My team and I will do a FREE Article and Interview YOU on our Podcast about YOU and YOUR Business. Plus we will Interview YOU on our TV Shows for ALL to see..Not just social media..but on TV..ROKU..FIRE TV..COMECAST CABLE...APPLE TV
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About this offer

I will help you get more eyes on [link-omitted] your service or products,with content and my audience, combined with yours. We will share YOUR [link-omitted] my social media pages that equal 30k. But my team will share to their pages which equals 100k [link-omitted] my personal Tudor on getting more customers.

About the influencer

Dr. James McConnell

Dr. James McConnell

27K Reach

I'm Dr. James McConnell..I own a TV Network and a Record [link-omitted]e are just 2 of the many businesses I [link-omitted] I have a solid reach on social [link-omitted] more importantly..I know how to get MORE Clients. I also have a meet up [link-omitted] a X previously known as [link-omitted] combined with accounts here...I have over 31k [link-omitted] [link-omitted] getting help from social media is so much more than just the influence thru posting..I'm going to teach you how to get more customers organically thru social [link-omitted] because I own a TV [link-omitted] get a huge discounted rates to be featured on [link-omitted] of our Shows plays on demand  on [link-omitted] [link-omitted]CAST [link-omitted]E [link-omitted]LAR [link-omitted] ALL of social [link-omitted] [link-omitted] me and my team will personally help you grow your you [link-omitted] teach you how to [link-omitted] can't wait to help [link-omitted] Talk!


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