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I will Merenda Impian Memiliki Rumah Idaman

1 Post on Blog

Account #1 (1K Reach)

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+ $50
The blog post will exceed 1000 words.
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About this offer

To have a house is a dream of anyone. How to start to fulfill that great idea?. One of the step is making design of our house. If we can't do it, we can ask an architectur for that

About the influencer

Yonal Regen

Yonal Regen

4K Reach

I am a father of four, so, many of my writing are about family and parenting. I started to be a blogger as my hobbies, then I realized, to be blogger is a time to know about a lot of informations all over the world because I can make connection with another blogger , and finally I have ever made my book, that I took from my blog to share about my experiences as a father, teacher, and blogger.

As a teacher, I write about education, so far about my experience with my school and my students. I love reading too for many book genres.


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