Video Review on Instagram

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I will create a video review about your product

1 Video Review on Instagram

Account #1 (2K Reach)
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About this offer

hi I love to review some products that I use, so I want create a video review about your product in my Instagram and Twitter

About the influencer

Nailah Aieola

Nailah Aieola

29K Reach

Hi, my name is Nailah, my blog is [link-omitted] about literacy, digital literacy, books review, music, entertainment and lifestyle. 

Me and my mother has a online writing class called Ruang Aksara. We arrange online class and invite respectful mentor to share their knowledge for us. We also have Instagram account to share about your literacy activities. 

I love to write about many things. And I love to review many products that I wear and use. I love learning English, music, watch drama, reading and other stuff. I usually write about my review in the blog and Instagram. 

I hope you can visit my blogs and give the comments. 


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