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Offer Details

I will prepare sew pant long and dress

0 Post on Blog


Add-on Services

+ $25
I'll share the blog post on my social accounts.
+ $50
I'll share the blog post with all my email subscribers.
Extra long review
+ $50
The blog post will exceed 1000 words.
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About this offer

aku adalah seorang pembuat dan penambal
pakaian... aku adalah seorang penjahit
untuk memperbaiki pakaian robek dan
lepas kancing baju dan membuat saku
di baju dan celana apapun.
saya juga bisa memperbaiki pulpen yang
tidak bisa digunakan lagi..
dan pembuat pulpen sederhana

I am a clothes maker and patcher... I am a tailor who repairs torn and unbuttoned clothes and makes pockets on any shirt and trousers. I can also repair pens that can no longer be used... and make simple pens
WhatsApp 6287898723051 or 62882006577215

About the influencer

yulis rahmalia

yulis rahmalia

27 Reach
introduction, my name is Yulis i from Indonesian. my hobby is writing and reading.. i like translate language from English to Indonesian or Arabic to Indonesia

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