Social Review on TikTok

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Offer Details

I will Review your products with my truthfull appinion

1 Social Review on TikTok

Account #1 (922 Reach)
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About this offer

Reviewing beauty products that is send to me,i will test them and give my thougts on the product.
I always say my say and would be disonest.

About the influencer

Corne Grobler

Corne Grobler

922 Reach

I like the smell of good perfumes it makes me relax and it calms me. I like playing with makeup because it is my passion. I also just like to test things to see if it works for me and i know that sometimes things not always work. I also like to buy expensive things and to show it off and the unboxing off them. I liked to watch you tube videos and their i found the intrest to started testing products that i posted on tiktok and some videos on you tube. I have 2 children and work a admin job from 8 to 5 and would like to start working from home for my self that is my view.


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