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I will put the positive word out to my subscribers to get you maximum Exposure

1 Social Review on Facebook

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About this offer

I will put the positive word out to All of my subscribers to get you maximum Exposure for your business. I am very bubbly and motivated. I am a great sales woman, and I take pride in whatever I choose to put my mind too. I wear wigs all of the time and I would love to do reviews on all of my hair videos.

About the influencer

Jackee Love

Jackee Love

391 Reach

It's All About Love...

Jackee Love️ Influencer, Mom, Entrepreneur, Songbird, Spiritual teacher, Life Coach, Mentor, Holistic Healing, Reiki Practitioner, Motivations Speaker, Author of my Bio, Waiting for Love, Available on Amazon and Kindle. I Am here to Help to heal the world hearts with Love. Jackee is the Founder of, Jackee Loves Healing House.

@ReikiEnergyHealingwithLove @LoveYoSelf @YouarebeYoutiful @cookingwithJackeeLove @MyBigLittleTinyCamperTrailerlife @StoryTimewithjackeeLove @GodIsLove @GodIsPeace @IamWoke @ItsAllAboutLove @youtube @jackeelove [link-omitted] [link-omitted]


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