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Offer Details

I will post a share and share to over 50 groups with over 50k users

1 Social Share on Facebook

Account #1 (0 Reach)

Add-on Services

+ $25
I'll reshare on Facebook up to 3 different times.
+ $50
I'll share the Facebook post with all my email subscribers.
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About this offer

We post every article published on our website to all our social media platforms, with Facebook we're able to share them with the groups we are in which brings us to over 50k users exposure and potential businesses for you.

About the influencer

Tanya Hsu

Tanya Hsu

39K Reach

您好,我是「時尚高潮」([link-omitted]) 的主編,殘編,我們專門報導全球五星級及特色吃喝玩樂(中英雙語),我們最近發佈了一篇針對貴公司的媒體報導,請看以下連結: [link-omitted]_I0Na0mNPbOz3LH7UbcVnXiWVcYtJ3I_icAeKP4AmZ2DwZw 請幫們分享。未來如果有任何問合作機會,歡迎來信至: [link-omitted] 感恩! Hi, my name is Tanya and I'm the owner & editor-in-chief of Fashion Ecstasty ([link-omitted]). Fashion Ecstasy is a bilingual ( English & Chinese) lifestyle blog/online magazine. We just published a review of your organization at : [link-omitted]_I0Na0mNPbOz3LH7UbcVnXiWVcYtJ3I_icAeKP4AmZ2DwZw Please share with your fans. If you see any future collaboration opportunities, Please do not hesitate to contact us at: [link-omitted]


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