Social Review on Instagram

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Offer Details

I will put a positive product review on social media platform.

0 Social Review on Instagram

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About this offer

Regardless of the product, I will use my social media site in order to help owners gain exposure to items and share them it with fellow followers.

About the influencer

Ananni Monet

Ananni Monet

1K Reach

Hi! I’m Ananni, and I am looking for a business relationship that can help grow my profile as I help business owners spread information about their products!

I have received exposure from my social media with 1k followers and over 1k exposure on posts. The photos that I will post to help expose your business will be with an iPhone 11 Pro or Canon professional camera. They will be high-definition photos with a supporting theme (e.g morning skincare bliss, nighttime club) and an age-appropriate caption that will tag the product and owner. (Special demands are accepted).

I am currently a Biology Pre-Med student who needs a side investment as I become settled in university. I hope to work with you in the future. Please contact me @anannimonet or direct message me.</p>


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