Video Review on YouTube

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Offer Details

I will review your product on my YouTube channel currently have 14 K subscribers

1 Video Review on YouTube

Account #1 (14K Reach)
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About this offer

haii saya tertarik untuk merivew product anda , bila anda tertarik dengan kerjasama ini saya dapat mempromosikan product anda di chanel youtube saya. saya mempunyai 14 rb subscriber. chanel youtunbe saya membahas tentang IT dan cryptocurecy . sudah beberpa kali saya melakukan review product .

my youtube chanel : [link-omitted]_zNQ

product review on my chanel [link-omitted]_4


About the influencer

kristianto tulus

kristianto tulus

14K Reach

hi guys 

If you are interested in technology, IT, computers and Cryptocurency, you can see my YouTube channel, link below. [link-omitted]_zNQ now I almost have 14 thousand subscribers and it continues to grow every day. if you want to advertise the products that you have, I am happy to help you. I live in Indonesia, if you have a product that targets the Asian market, I can help you by advertising on my YouTube channel. 

please feel free to contact me


Br Kris


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