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Offer Details

I will create your product/service brand awareness by sharing with my audience

1 Social Share on Instagram

Account #1 (545 Reach)
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About this offer

I will make my audience, followers, and connections aware of your product/service and encourage them to explore your offers.

About the influencer



2K Reach

I am an Influencer, Freelance Content Writer, Teacher and YouTuber. A simple lady, spiritual and a go getter.

As an Influencer, I create engaging, high-quality user-generated content to ensure brand awareness and exposure. The top-notch content definitely converts readers and viewers into paying customers. I am currently working with top brands in Kenya and Africa like Safaricom, Britam, and Jumia.

As a freelance content writer, I handle SEO Articles for websites and blogs. I also own a blog website where I exercise my writing passion. The website is focused on showcasing simple Do It Yourself (DIY) skills that you can learn and use the knowledge acquired to start an income-generating initiative.

 My blog also showcases online work opportunities, courses, and reviews of various brands my audience can relate too.

As a YouTuber, I offer simple tutorials and engaging brand reviews to draw clients to your services and products.

I am dependable, passionate and efficient .


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