Video Review on X/Twitter

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Offer Details

I will conduct project to reverse climate change, fuel and food security.

1 Video Review on X/Twitter

Account #1 (1 Reach)

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Engage in On-line talks of any occasion you choose
+ $50,000
For climate change I am willing to do talks on my project on how to reverse climate change. The sessions should be between 30mins to an hour. The money raised will go into the my project to grow sweet potato on a vertical structure (patented).
Donation for my project to reverse climate change
+ $100
Donation of $100 towards my project to reverse climate change generates security for fuel and food. This project can mitigate sea level rise. At perpetual state reversing climate change before the turn of the century. Support my project please!
Donation for my project to reverse climate change
+ $1,000
Donation of $1000 towards my project to reverse climate change generates security for fuel and food. This project can mitigate sea level rise. At perpetual state reversing climate change before the turn of the century. Support my project please!
Donation for my project to reverse climate change
+ $10,000
Donation of $10,000 towards my project to reverse climate change generates security for fuel and food. This project can mitigate sea level rise. At perpetual state reversing climate change before the turn of the century. Support my project please!
Donation for my project to reverse climate change
+ $100,000
Donation of $100,000 towards my project to reverse climate change generates security for fuel and food. This project can mitigate sea level rise. At perpetual state reversing climate change before the turn of the century. Support my project please!
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About this offer

My project aims to reverse climate change and provide fuel and food security at the same time. Once the plantation of sweet potato reaches perpetual state reversing of climate change is possible before the turn of the century. Each million acres plantation can provide enough energy, fuel and food for a country. If each country will to own 3 million acres when all the countries combined can mitigate sea level rise. Biosecurity and biodiversity will be expanded.

About the influencer

Charles Tan

Charles Tan

2 Reach

Hello, Charles Tan here, I am for action for climate change. A Professional Engineer in Australia had devise a patented solution to reverse climate change and will result in abundance of food and fuel at the same time. Growing sweet potato on a vertical structure which is my invention will eventually reach a biological perpetual state which will start to reverse climate change. The catch is we need every countries to own 3 million acres of this sweet potato plantation. The other advantage of using sweet potato as our energy and food source the plant drinks from the ocean and the project can mitigate sea level rise as well! Get on board with me to support the project.


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