Social Review on Instagram

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Offer Details

I will train you to be able to speak in public

1 Social Review on Instagram

Account #1 (369 Reach)

Add-on Services

+ $25
I'll share the Instagram post to my non-Instagram accounts.
+ $50
I'll share the Instagram post with all my email subscribers.
Custom graphics
+ $25
I'll include custom graphics on the Instagram post.
Thumbnail 1
Thumbnail 2

About this offer

Everyone, usually able to talk to his friends about expressing what is on his mind. However, not everyone is able to speak in public, be it speeches, da'wah or others.

About the influencer

Dzulkifli Abdul Malik

Dzulkifli Abdul Malik

503 Reach

Saya seorang guru di sebuah sekolah swasta di Sukabumi, Indonesia. Selain sebagai guru sekolah, saya seorang guru agama, dan sebagai staf administrasi di sebuah lembaga pelatihan kerja di Sukabumi.


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