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Offer Details

I will post a video on our tiktok page

1 Social Share on TikTok

Account #1 (2K Reach)

Add-on Services

+ $50
I'll share the TikTok post with all of my email subscribers.
+ $15
I'll add your custom link to my TikTok bio for at least 1 week.
Thumbnail 1

About this offer

i will post a video on our tiktok page on the content required and also share the same video on our facebook page with about 5000++ followers

About the influencer

ng larry

ng larry

39K Reach

Established since 2002, SRC is Singapore's first and largest reefing community in Asia dedicated to the marine hobbyist that aim to provide comprehensive news & updated information with regards to the marine aquarium hobby. Our channel is lead by a team of experienced hobbyists and professionals with over years of experience in the hobbyist that share reviews, setting up videos, blogs write up and information related to the marine aquarium hobby.


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