Post on Blog

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Offer Details

I will review or write about your site/product without it looking like an ad.

1 Post on Blog

Account #1 (1K Reach)
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About this offer

Books are our specialty but most anything fits our site [link-omitted] Sometimes link books to the subject to make it more relevant.

About the influencer

Dick Leonardo

Dick Leonardo

13K Reach

We have a family book and product review site. We review  children and young adult books for the most part and interested in any products that would fit a family [link-omitted]rature ,Cooking, 

Our followers are Women/Moms. Our Twitter followers range from 9,500 to 10,000

Our facebook followers number over 3,000


HEALTH AND ANYTHING MOM'S WOULD BE INTERESTED IN That can include toys,workout [link-omitted]n's issues.

All our post go out on our website,Twitter,our Facebook Fan page,Tumbler,and Bloglovin


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