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I will Introducing Religion As World Peace

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About this offer

Religion not only regulates the relationship between humans and their creators and not only matters that concern the followers of their respective religions. However, in fact all religions teach kindness, love, and justice for all human beings. From this it can be seen that religion has an important role that can regulate and shape its adherents to create peace in the world and has a great influence in creating good relations among human beings. Even though in reality, there are still many religions that are used as a tool for the interests of groups that do not like world peace. Extremist and fanatical groups often use religion as a shield which eventually creates conflict. Religion is no longer seen as a unifying tool but instead as a material for conflict. Religion should be used as a unifier, not a divider as every religion teaches. In my opinion, the existence of religion in this world is a guideline for each individual. In fact, whatever religion we adhere to, we are still humans who need each other.

About the influencer

Kang Muca

Kang Muca

129K Reach

I am Kang Muca, I am a student at a university in Semarang Indonesia, I myself live in Demak Indonesia. I am in very good health and have not smoked until recently.

I am very happy to join Intellifluence, with the hope that I will be able to develop the abilities and skills that I have. I want to work well together and make money with Intellifluence.

I choose a theme Religion and Faith because I have a broad background and knowledge of religion, so I can explain religion properly and correctly so that the world is peaceful in religion.


Here is my view on Religion:

Religion in general is a dogma that teaches and at the same time invites its people or followers to believe in the existence of a God of the universe. God who conveys HIS commands and prohibitions to be obeyed and carried out in order to have Ethics and Faith good in running life in the world. So that the role of religion in creating peace is as a guide for every human being to control himself in society and live in a good and orderly way. Religion if in the social context of society then religion plays a role in social transformation from conflict to something better and peaceful, so I can conclude that religion can be a means of dialogue for human social life in creating social peace and tranquility. Religion prioritizes preventive, persuasive and educative actions for its people, so the role of religion in resolving community conflicts can be a reminder for its people to live in peace and love as taught by all religions such as Christianity, Islam, Catholicism, Hinduism, Buddhism and Confucianism.

  As a religious person, the role I play in creating world peace is dialogue between religious people, the dialogue that I mean does not only occur by chatting, discussing or directly touching on the discussion of faith and religious teachings with people of other religions but rather showing actions, daily practices and conversations with others without isolating, discriminating, and bringing down friends or people. others but embracing, maintaining attitudes and speech in order to have good relations and exemplifying acts of tolerance towards fellow human beings. Then, I also joined a nature lover's organization which has members with various religions, in this organization I learned a lot about how dialogue can create peace, channel love to others and can unite any differences that exist.

Each member shows how the religion they embrace is not used as a place for self-existence but instead upholds tolerance to embrace each other and become an example for other community groups about the beauty of togetherness amidst differences. I often take part in joint activities organized by the Organization by carrying out joint activities in the community such as participating in reforestation at Mount Gede Pangarango, picking up plastic waste left by climbers on the Mount Salak climbing route, and doing Social Service at the Nursing Home. It is dialogues like these that I carry out in my role in creating world peace.

  Religion plays an important role in the life of every human being, and how religion can also be a reason or a factor for a person or group of people in fighting for the interests and actions of radicalism, causing division and conflict. I see a lot of news that there are times when religious leaders give advice to the people that to maintain tolerance and uphold acts of love and peace in society, but there are also times when there are messengers or advice to divide the world community, such as declaring that certain religions are very good and dropping teachings. other religions. Religion does play a role in creating peace and conflict in society, but it is undeniable that adherents play an active role in creating peace in the world, religion is a guideline and norms by providing teachings about good and evil deeds and actions that are prohibited in order to avoid wrath. Lord. Every religion has goodness and similarities between one religion and another, so to create peace we as a people must take the following actions:

  • Look for similarities that exist, not look for differences that intersect between religious teachings

  • Dialogue with people of other religions

  • Tolerance

  • Respect the rules and practices of other religions

  • Open attitude and willing to accept the teachings of other religions

Religion can also play a role in pumping up enthusiasm as happened in the archipelago with the term sabil war in Aceh or in Java, but religion is not the only one, and the main factor in the wars of nationalism and revolution.

Religion is the second or third factor, the main factors are suffering and injustice, because land, economy and power are held by foreign nations. The main theme of the war before World War II was the liberation of the land from colonialism.

This is probably the bad news. Even though religion is still closely held, perhaps in parts of Africa, Asia, and Latin America, religion does not automatically resolve conflicts. The conflict persists. Religion also remains here and there. Religion still plays a role in elevating group sentiment and at any time it can be raised to sharpen differences of interests. Religion is not the only peacemaker.

Embraced or not embraced, there or not, obeyed or not obeyed, religion for humans, conflict still rages. Ukraine is definitely not a religious conflict. In fact, long-standing problems have never been resolved in Israel and Palestine, nor is religion solely, nor is religion the only solution.

Religion is not the only way of war, nor is it the only way of peace. Religion intersects and maybe religion crosses with the side of human life in conflict and peace.

Ideally, religion teaches peace. Religion is used to reconcile people. Religion heals wounds. Religion forgives. Religion teaches brotherhood between people. But to what extent religion plays a role, there are still social, economic, political factors, and many more. Religion is just one.

Russia and Ukraine are a matter of invasion of territory. The struggle for territory and authority always triggers conflicts either within the country or between neighbours. But often in Indonesia religion is linked.

Some groups attribute Putin's heroism to Orthodox Christian sentiment or to Islam, since one of Putin's girlfriends is said to be a Muslim.

Another factor of emotional support for Putin may be because Putin is used as a symbol of opposition to the world's superpower, the United States. There are several groups that capitalize on the world's anti-establishment sentiment. America is too strong and too dominant in controlling the world political stage. America is held responsible, or at least involved, in many world conflicts.

The assumption is that Russia is not the only one dragging the conflict. America is seen to exist in, and may play a role in, many problems in the world. Russia may be expected to be the only one who can offset the unbalanced world conditions.

It is clear that the Ukrainian conflict is not religious, it is not caused by religion, and it feels unfair that religion is still brought up. We'll see that only a few small groups in the country still view this, if any.

The war because of the biggest religion occurred a thousand years ago, which is famous for the Crusades in the Middle East. The image of the Crusades is Christianity and Islam in the Middle East. Crusaders and Islamic armies fought on several fronts during successive reigns, Turks, Seljuks, Egyptians, Syrians against Frankish armies, consisting of British, French, Germans, and others. It may start with religion, but its further development is much more complicated.

If examined further, not all about the Crusades because of religion. There are many factors such as political, regional, social and economic still have a role. Even in several episodes of the Crusades between Christian rulers there was conflict. Within the army of the Cross there is dynamics.

Likewise, the Muslim rulers also competed with each other and allied themselves with the Christian rulers. So Islam versus Christianity in the Crusades is also not always right.

Realistically, holding the religious factor in conflict and peace is not a guarantee. But perhaps the efforts of religious leaders to communicate about peace is a wise effort. Religion can be used as a common tool in communicating to reduce misunderstandings.

Religion can be a trigger for peace intentionally and regulated in joint programs and projects. One of them is the Frutelli Tutti document, brotherhood between people, or ukhuwwah basyariyyah. The document of brotherhood between humans should go beyond religious communities.

Religion is not used as a basis for mutual suspicion, hatred, and hostility. Religion should be used as an excuse to be friends, brothers, friends, friends even though they are of different religions.

The document was declared by Pope Francis of the Vatican and al-Azhar Grand Imam Ahmad Tayeb. The call for peace should be supported. If we pay attention to religious leaders in Indonesia, such as KH Ahmad Shiddiq from Jember, they have also said about such ukhuwah. Kyai Hasyim Muzadi also mentioned this.

Hamka has also discussed peace on many occasions. Mukti Ali, Driyarkara, Mangunwijaya, Teha Sumartana, and Munawwir Sjadzali are also active in several interfaith harmony ideas and projects. All in the Indonesian context.

The difference between the leaders of the Vatican and Azhar and Indonesia is the enlarged scale and different context. Nahdlatul Ulama and Muhammadiyah, even Catholics, Christians, Hindu Buddhists, Confucians in Indonesia have practiced brotherhood between religious communities in this country. It's been a long time.

Thus, invitations from anywhere to celebrate brotherhood and peace in the name of religion or anything else must be greeted with joy. The war may continue, but religious people must not stop being brothers.

That's a little of my review of Religion, hopefully there are benefits

Thank You.


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