Social Review on TikTok

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Offer Details

I will Give reviews on my TikTok account.

1 Social Review on TikTok

Account #1 (2K Reach)
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About this offer

I will give product reviews on my TikTok account to reach more [link-omitted] reviews will be positive about the product thus promoting high sales

About the influencer

racii raychel

racii raychel

3K Reach

I am a social media influencer and I post good content on my social media platforms to market my brands. I'm very confident and able to reach many audiences. I'm also a registered nurse and I've been in the healthcare industry for two [link-omitted] job includes monitoring patients treatment, devising care plans and providing medical care during emergencies.  My desire to become a nurse made me persue a bachelor in nursing at Omond medical university where I graduated in 2020. I also have a certified emergency nurse certificate. 


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