Video Review on TikTok

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Offer Details

I will review your product organically

1 Video Review on TikTok

Account #1 (0 Reach)

Add-on Services

Extra long review
+ $50
I'll do a TikTok video review in excess of 5min.
Custom graphics
+ $25
I'll include custom graphics on the TikTok video.
Thumbnail 1
Thumbnail 2

About this offer

Being a micro influencer gives me the ability to reach people and have them fully believe in me due to the fact that I’m not an individual swamped with PR every single day. My reviews come off as authentic and organic. Not forced or fake just for income. I have over 3,400 followers on TikTok and can customize the video to your liking.

About the influencer

Brittany Ruth

Brittany Ruth

0 Reach
Life as I know it. Being a microinfluencer gives me the ability to truly partner with brands and give a raw and authentic review. Multifaceted with a ton of different perspective. 

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