Social Engagement on Facebook

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Offer Details

I will engage with existing social media.

1 Social Engagement on Facebook

Account #1 (9K Reach)
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About this offer

You will engage with existing social media content, as specified by the brand. Common examples include "liking" or leaving a comment on an existing Facebook post, Quote Tweeting an existing Tweet or commenting on an existing Instagram post.

About the influencer

emanuela peretto

emanuela peretto

13K Reach

Lela Perez is an internationally renowned bodypainter and multimedia artist, with over 10 years of experience in the world of bodypainting. She uses bodypainting as a means to create messages of union between art and nature, cultures and traditions. Her goal is to use her art to educate the public about the beauty of our planet's natural resources as well as to create a connection between humans and the natural environment of our beautiful world.

She loves to travel around the world and create her camouflage bodypainting in the different natural landscapes she visits. 

She worked in many different countries and with many different clients.

Art can save our world!


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